Ok you have insane self restraint congrats!! knew I had to skip this year bcs I don’t have the uhhhhh emotional maturity to say no to beautiful things rn (deeply unwell of me but ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ ). That YSL blue belt is SO gorgeous, and the calf hair slingbacks are PAINFULLY good wow. Also juicy couture???? Who knew lol

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It’s a challenge lol I wanted so many things… I know, the belt was so so tempting but alas, I have like 30 belts already. And right!? Anything calf hair is my weakness… Go juicy!

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The white lace dress is stunning! Wow, the clothes are pricey! I do find that at vintage fairs which is why I rarely buy clothing at them, and go for jewelry and accessories. Did you get anything??

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I loved seeing all the accessories and jewelry, but wow were they pricey! I didn’t buy anything but I took a lot of photos!

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That’s disappointing. I always expect vintage fairs to have a variety of price ranges, to suit everyone, but I guess that one is a little too chi-chi!

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Honestly that white dress in the first photo is such a winner I’d be spoiled for so much else! Great find and it fits you like a dream. But great pics all around.

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Thank you!! It really was a spur of the moment purchase but it’s so beautiful I had to

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A true forever piece

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We love shopping for inspiration! Fashion is art!!!

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Yes!! Trying to reframe it as a sort of exhibit that I can appreciate lol

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amazing selections as always, that cow hide weekender bag will haunt me forever

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Literally same, I may never recover

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Where the hell is this place? Have to go!

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It's the Manhattan Vintage Show! It's twice a year (I think, they may have added a third) but it's typically fall/winter and spring/summer. It's a huge 3 day event with 100+ vendors and it's magical! The next one is May 16-18 and on 18th street in NYC

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Am I exaggerating when I said I thought of YOU every time I saw a post about this show? No. All weekend long I was wondering how it was going for you and what treasures you would find. This post was everything I wanted and more.

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Stahp! I’m thrilled to even be considered in the same thought as such an iconic event… I am vintage, vintage is me.

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Love!!! May I ask how much the pave ring was? So pretty!

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Right!?? To be honest, I definitely blacked out but I THINK it was around $600?

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